About US
CLF Financial, LLC
After more than 30 years in the financial business, we have discovered that the most effective investments are oftentimes the simplest. Your money, and your investment objectives, come down to two goals: do you want growth or do you want income?
We work hard to help you decide on what's important. Once we have a plan, we work just as hard to make that plan happen. Investing doesn't have to be complicated or hard to understand. We believe investing needs to be clear and focused on your personal goals.
We also believe in providing clear, easily understood explanations of financial services. We provide personalized programs that can provide a roadmap towards a more secure financial future.
We have been working with individuals and businesses in the area for over 30 years. As a result we have extensive personal and professional experience in many areas of the financial industry.
We hold professional designations in investing, planning, and tax, and are qualified to sell investment and insurance products in a multitude of different states. We want lasting relationships with all our clients and believe in helping you learn about your finances and financial goals.
Contact Us
Carol Fromhagen
404-303-7989 office
404-963-0525 facsimile
We’re looking forward to using our experience to help you pursue your financial goals!